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Influencer Beatriz Matos dos Santos — Foto: Reprodução/Redes sociais

Influencer’s Murder: Police Arrest Two Suspects and Apprehend Teenager in Manaus

Manaus, Wednesday (8) – The Amazonas Civil Police arrested two men and apprehended a teenager in connection with the murder of influencer Beatriz Matos dos Santos, 26, known as “Porcelana”.

The crime took place on the night of July 27th in Vila da Prata neighborhood, West Zone of Manaus.

The Homicide and Kidnapping Specialized Police Unit (DEHS) launched Operation Hellas to locate the suspects. On Wednesday, the operation led to the arrests of Mateus Silva da Silva, 20, and Wandré Pereira Figueiredo, 21, as well as the apprehension of a 17-year-old teenager.

According to the Civil Police, the apprehended teenager was responsible for luring the victim out of her residence by claiming that Beatriz would receive a product to promote on social media.

Mateus and Wandré will face charges of aggravated homicide and will remain in custody awaiting trial. The teenager will be under the supervision of the Juvenile Court.

Still on the Run

Two other suspects, identified as Lúcio Geovany de Lima Matos and Vinícius Eduardo Acioly da Mata, are currently being sought for their involvement in the murder.

Anyone with information about their whereabouts can contact the DEHS’s confidential hotline at (92) 98118-9535 or call 181, the State Department of Public Security’s anonymous tip line. The informants’ identities will remain confidential, as confirmed by the Civil Police.


The Civil Police is still investigating the motive behind the crime. However, the initial investigation revealed that there may be a connection between the young woman’s murder and the killing of her girlfriend, which occurred a month prior.

The body of Beatriz’s girlfriend was found in the Brasileirinho branch, East Zone of Manaus.

The Crime

The crime took place on the night of July 27th in Vila da Prata neighborhood, West Zone of Manaus.

According to Detective Ricardo Cunha, head of the DEHS, Beatriz was ambushed by criminals who were in a car.

Witnesses informed the military police that two individuals arrived at the crime scene in a black Celta. The shooters approached the victim’s gate and called her.

As soon as she opened it, she was shot and died on the spot. At the time, the police reported that the victim had eight gunshot wounds on her body.

Fonte: https://g1.globo.com/am/amazonas/noticia/2023/11/08/policia-prende-dois-suspeitos-de-envolvimento-na-morte-de-influencer-em-manaus.ghtml
