Influencer acusado de fraude de vendas de rifas não terá autorização para sair da prisão no Amazonas
redacao 23/10/2023 0 COMMENTSLucas Picolé, Mano Queixo e Isabelly Aurora. — Foto: Reprodução/Redes Sociais
Influencer “Lucas Picolé” remains in jail despite court ruling
In a recent development, it has been revealed that the influencer João Lucas da Silva Alves, also known as “Lucas Picolé,” will not be released from prison despite a court order granting his provisional freedom. The 24-year-old influencer from Manaus has been under investigation for alleged fraud related to the sale of raffle tickets online.
Last Friday, the 4th Criminal Court of Manaus ruled for Lucas Picolé’s provisional release and revoked the house arrest of fellow influencer Isabelly Aurora Simplício Souza. However, Enzo Felipe da Silva Oliveira, known as “Mano Queixo,” who is also involved in the scheme, remains in custody.
In addition to the ongoing investigation into the online raffle ticket fraud, both Picolé and Mano Queixo are facing separate charges of drug trafficking in the state court. The Amazonas Public Prosecutor’s Office has already filed charges against them for drug trafficking, association with trafficking, and possession of restricted firearms, making them official defendants.
Despite being granted provisional freedom in the raffle ticket scheme investigation, Lucas Picolé will remain in the Amazonas correctional system as the court has not granted him provisional release in the drug trafficking case.
“He is still in custody on drug trafficking charges, but we are confident he will be cleared of all accusations. Due to the absolute secrecy of the case, we cannot provide further details,” stated Vilson Benayon, the influencer’s lawyer.
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